Getting Healthy


Getting healthy

Life seems to stand still when you have medical issues.  You find yourself depressed and withdrawing.  It is a struggle to get through each day.  When you finally get help and are on the mend, each day has hope.  Your thoughts turn to getting life back that was lost.
  Stepping outside your comfort zone to find your way came for me in getting healthy.  Having someone to lead me, coach n encourage and be accountable to was my ticket.  I began late January and by June have followed a plan with great results.  Goodbye unwanted 45 pounds.
I found my healthy and am ready 4 summer fun.  Now even with my sedentary job, I can get back to healthy.  Life is good again……ready, set,….go.


Oh to be young and looking at the world with wonder. It takes courage to explore your world and trust that the adults have knowledge about what is going on around them.  The innocence of a child  trusting that all is right with their world and there is nothing to worry about.  Thinking if there is something amiss if I hide from it things will get better.

This reminds me of the American public not knowing or trying to understand the laws that are being passed by our government.  I have seen many changes in my career but feel that the Affordable Care Act is not so affordable.  I believe that everyone deserves safe affordable care but at whose expense?  Do we close our eyes and tell ourselves it will get better or do we take a step into the unknown and see where things are leading?

If I choose to hide I am at the mercy of those who compose/pass laws with a blindfold across their eyes.  Have they looked at how these laws will be carried out or who the end person is going to be holding the bag?  I agree that health care needs to be fixed however I do not have the trust of a child in big government that my father did.  Because of the increasing Baby Boomers and the fear that we had an unsustainable process we now must jump through hoops in short periods of time, as we attempt to meet the goals of some bean counter.  All the while the middle class is paying out more and more in other areas to pay for those who won’t or can’t work.

Many do not want the help that is offered and continue to hide or ignore the attempts to offer them health care, health advice and acceptance that we need change.  Many children will go without insurance and care because they are at the mercy of the adult who is not participating in services that are being provided.  Fear or lack of education, reading skills all affect how each of us faces the world.  Because of their fear that someone will find out, they hide.

Innocence will not save us from the tsunami to come.  There will be a larger gap in care givers to patients as the Boomers age.  Even if you can’t/won’t work, volunteer somewhere to help each other.  Step up and lay down your electronic devices and learn to give of yourself to others.  The rewards are many and the sick,elderly and children are so grateful.  We should not have to entrust big government to do the things we learned as a child are important.  Caring, sharing and helping are the foundations that our great country was built on.  Even a child can see that when these are employed, they come out of the shadows into the light.