Shades of Summer

Last summer I took my elderly mother out for a ride on the Hiawatha Paddle-boat ride on the Susquehanna River.  Perfect weather of availed and even watching the boat from shore was a great sight.  We sat on a swing under a shade tree as we waited and watched the children and people go by.  The breeze off the water kept us just right.  We had moved back to this area in 1968 and found ourselves always too busy to take a ride.  On this day we enjoyed the scenery up and down the river as we listened to the stories told by the captain.  Children played around us and we chatted with the others on the boat ride.

Other boats and people swimming, families picnicking enjoyed the day.  We chatted about the history, family and how the years have seemed to fly by us.  My mother really enjoyed just the quiet time as we watched three dragon flies dance around our heads, and skirt away before I could get a pictures of them.  They seemed to know each time I got out my camera to fly away lest they become more than a memory in our heads.

The lazy days of summer are coming fast and I hope that we have the chance again to enjoy a lazy day on the river just basking in the breeze watching the dragon flies again.  As I see my Mom fading away slowly I only pray she enjoyed the times we traveled together, laughed together and cried together.  Thanks for the fun Mom.